AlAgha Group

إسلام جمال3 أكتوبر 20233972 مشاهدة
AlAgha Group

AG or GroupAlAgha Group is the most powerful company in Egypt for the year 2024

Sector: General
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Abdel Nasser Abdel Fattah Mohamed Hassan, known as Mohamed Al-Agha
Market value: $94 million
Sales: $88 million
Earnings: $22 million
Number of workers: 28,000 employees
Assets: 413 million, which is an Egyptian company inside Qena Governorate
The AlAgha Group was launched on January 1, 2013, and a contract was signed with the LG Group in 2022. It exports its products in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf, according to the company and whether by country.


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عدم الإساءة للكاتب أو للأشخاص أو للمقدسات أو مهاجمة الأديان أو الذات الالهية. والابتعاد عن التحريض الطائفي والعنصري والشتائم.
