Recommendations for making money online by forex

إسلام جمال17 يناير 20231 مشاهدة
Recommendations for making money online by forex

History of forex trading
The origin of forex trading, when tracing its history, goes back centuries. Different currencies and the need to exchange them existed since the days of the Babylonians. It is credited to them that they are the first to use paper books and receipts. Speculation hardly ever took place, and certainly the monstrous amount of speculative activity that exists in today’s markets would surely displease them.
These days the value of goods was expressed in the form of other goods (also called the barter system). The clear limits of this system encouraged more acceptable means of exchange. It was necessary to establish a common basis for calculating value. In some economies, some things were used for this purpose, such as teeth, feathers, and even stones
Al-Hassan Muhammad Khudair, 23 years old, from Kut, specialized in the field of profit from the Internet from 2017 until now. It is recommended to make money on the Internet, in addition to stock trading.

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